In 2024, Australia will mark the 30th anniversary of the national recognition of Australian South Sea Islanders. This recognition was granted on August 25th, 1994, and will be celebrated on the same date in 2024. It is an important milestone for the community and a time to reflect on their history and contributions to Australian society.
Australian South Sea Islanders United Council Independent Rockhampton & District Inc.
2024 Year 12 ASSI Graduation Ceremony
It has been an awesome Saturday morning for the 10th ceremony of the Australian South Sea Islander Year 12 Graduation Ceremony. Thanks to all the ASSIUC Members for assisting with the set up this morning, baking, making fruit plates, mini quiches and sandwiches and of course at the end the cleanup.
Thank you to our vendors who every year ensure we have amazing sashes and certificates to present to our students. Thank you Rockhampton Trophy Centre and Engraving for the beautiful sashes and to Big Colour Works for the beautiful certificates. A BIG THANK YOU to Gaba Art who created and designed the crosses that were presented to each of the students to commemorate the 10th ceremony. Thank you also to our ASSI graduates who travelled from Gladstone and Brisbane to attend.
So very proud of this ceremony and how far we’ve come since 2015. The students today did their parents, grandparents, extended family members and their ancestors proud. Lastly, but by no means the least, thank you to Uncle Joe Leo who believed in me that I could bring this event to fruition and encouraged me all the way. Look at us now, 10th ceremony done and dusted. God is good every day.
Raeleen Willie
Photos Courtesy of ASSIUC, Rae Willie, Sharon Vea Vea and Tracy Leo-Warcon

Thank you, Australian South Sea Islander United Council, for hosting the 9th ASSI Year 12 Graduation Ceremony for 2023. Thank you to the students who attended today along with their families and friends.
I would also like to acknowledge the Rockhampton Trophy Centre & Engraving for our sashes, Big Colour Works Rockhampton for the design and printing of invitations and certificates, Baking Queen for our ASSI colours cupcakes, Paige Smith for our platter from Subway and our ASSIUC Events and Funding Subcommittee for all your help behind the scenes at today's graduation ceremony.
Congratulations again to our graduating students on your completion of Year 12 and all the very best for your future endeavours. God Bless.
Raeleen Willie
Photos Courtesy of Rae Willie and Tracy Leo-Warcon

On Saturday, 22 October 2022, the Australian South Sea Islander United Council (ASSIUC) –Independent Rockhampton and Districts Inc. hosted the 8th ASSI Year 12 Graduation Ceremony. Students from North Rockhampton High School, Glenmore State High School, Emmaus College, St Brendan’s College and St Ursula’s College were represented, with nineteen students of ASSI descent graduating from Year 12. Each graduate was asked to announce their family links and if known, their island connections prior to them being presented with a certificate and sash by our President, Kerry Warkill and Vice President, Christine Evans or the students grandparent/s if they were in attendance.
The ASSI Year 12 Graduation Ceremony has been an important event on our organisation’s calendar each year and where our ASSI Year 12 graduating students look forward to attending. It is not lost on our organisation the importance of education for our young people and for them to take up opportunities afforded to them, which was not available to their grandparents and great grandparents.
2022 also saw Northern Rockhampton State High School host an inaugural ceremony acknowledging our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, but also our students of Australian South Sea Islander descent. This ceremony was driven by the Community Engagement Counsellors at North Rockhampton State High School Jodie Martin and Cassandra Von Seden and with the support of the School Principal, Kurt Goodwin. Guest speaker at this ceremony was Stephen Upkett a Year 12 graduate in 2017.
We also saw Ezekiel Willie a ASSI Year 12 graduate from Kirwan State High School, Townsville, who has links to Kanaka Town, Rockhampton also wear an ASSI sash to represent his ASSI heritage.
Below are ASSI Year 12 Graduation photos from 2015 onwards.
Photos courtesy of Rae Willie
2022 ASSI Year 12 Graduation Ceremony

2021 ASSI Year 12 Graduation Ceremony

2020 ASSI Year 12 Graduation Ceremony

2019 ASSI Year 12 Graduation Ceremony

2018 ASSI Year 12 Graduation Ceremony

2017 ASSI Year 12 Graduation Ceremony

2016 ASSI Year 12 Graduation Ceremony

2015 ASSI Year 12 Graduation Ceremony