In 2024, Australia will mark the 30th anniversary of the national recognition of Australian South Sea Islanders. This recognition was granted on August 25th, 1994, and will be celebrated on the same date in 2024. It is an important milestone for the community and a time to reflect on their history and contributions to Australian society.
Australian South Sea Islanders United Council Independent Rockhampton & District Inc.

Members and Volunteers of ASSIUC IR&D Inc. at 2019 Elders Luncheon

Our Elders came together for a catch-up as to what's happening in the community and what's coming up.
Rae Willie, ASSIUC Secretary and Senior Community Engagement Officer with Multicultural Affairs which is in the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs shared information to help keep the Elders in the loop.
Publicity Officer: Sharon Vea Vea
Photos courtesy of ASSIUC IR&D Inc.