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Kanaka Proud Cup Sub-Committee


Malu Auda

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Malu started playing junior football at the age of nine with the Gracemere Cubs JRL. Following a short break, she resumed playing in Brisbane with a team formed by her cousins at QMC, a decision that significantly impacted her career. This led to her selection for the QMC QLD U18 Murri Team, where she joined her siblings Ruivani and Tyttus in their respective QLD Murri Teams age groups. At this event, Malu discovered the Harvey Normans Redcliffe Dolphins U19 Trial, which she successfully secured a spot in. She has competed in numerous tournaments, including the Kanaka Proud Cup in both U18 and Open Women's divisions.

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Upon returning to Rockhampton, Malu trialled for the Harvey Normans Capras U19 team and went on to play for the Fitzroy Sharks, Sarina Crocs Women’s Teams, and the North Rockhampton SHS Hawks school team. Malu also played rugby league in U18 girls Capricornia schools’ team and participated in the Townsville and Mackay All Blacks carnivals. In September, Malu joined the NQ Sistas footy program, leading to trials with the

St George and Sydney Roosters teams. This opportunity resulted in Malu and three other Central Queensland girls being offered to pursue football opportunities interstate. Malu and her family are optimistic about the future and thankful for the support they have received.



Photos provided by Kimmy Lawton

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Players from U18/19 Invitational Side for Rockhampton Kanaka Proud Cup 2023.

Left to right:  Saraya Warcon, Saritta Backo, Rosie Warkill, Cadence Lee and Tahni Ivey

Six (6) Rockhampton football teams will be part of Kanaka Proud Cup [KPC] Rugby League Challenge between Rockhampton and Mackay on 4th November 2023.   The teams are:- Open Mens, Open Womens, Under 18 Boys Invitational, Under 18 Girls Invitational, Under 13/14 Boys and Under 14/15 Girls.


The KPC event has attracted over 5000 people with supporters and spectators travelling from all over Queensland, New South Wales and the Northern Territory. Initially, the event covered Open Mens', Open Womens' categories but with high demand has now expanded to include junior teams targeting under 18 Boys' and Girls' and Junior Girls' Under 14/15s and Boys' Under 13/14s.


This is our 5th year and growth of the event has tripled with the broader community participating as sponsors, spectators and volunteers. This has helped promote Australian South Sea Islander culture and history providing an educational experience for the whole community. 


In previous events we have been joined by proud Australian South Sea Islander Rugby League “Greats” who promote and support the KPC event to increase the awareness of our culture across Australia. In the past, these very special guests have included Mal Meninga, Sam Backo, Ken Nagas and local legend Rhys Wesser.


History of Australian South Sea Islanders


In 1863, the first ship in Queensland, owned by Robert Towns, brought islanders to work in his cotton planation on the Logan River. This led to over 50,000 Pacific Islanders [predominately men] being brought to Australia to work on plantations across Queensland, by force or trickery [also known as “blackbirding”].


Australian South Sea Islanders provided labour to help build local economies and key industries in Queensland. Contributions included the development of farming, grazing, maritime, pearling, mining, rail, domestic services and childcare. The sugar cane industry especially benefited greatly from the “Blackbirding” trade.


In 1994 on the 25th of August, the Federal Government of Australia officially recognised Australian South Sea Islanders as a distinct cultural group. In 2000 on the 7th of September, the State Government of Australia officially recognised Australian South Sea Islanders for their contribution to the state and as a distinct cultural group.


In 2023 we acknowledge and recognise the marking of 160 years [1863 to 2023], when our ancestors first arrived in Queensland.


The Rockhampton KPC Sub-Committee seek Sponsorship and fundraise with the support of the players and community.


In 2024 the KPC Event will be held in Rockhampton.


If you are interested in Sponsoring our teams, please email our KPC Sub-Committee at


Thank You

KPC Sub-Committee

KPC Committee, Tracy Leo-Warcon, Nicole Leo, Kerry Warkill and Joanne Warkill would like to acknowledge and thank ASSIUC as our overarching organisation, the Coaches, Managers, Players, Parents, Volunteers (at fundraising events and leading up to, during and after game day), and our Community for once again supporting this great event.


Special mention to Rockhampton KPC Sponsors - GOLD Sponsor:  Juwarki Kapu-Lug, BRONZE Sponsors:  Brittany Lauga MP, Australian South Sea Islander Movement Inc (ASSIMI) and MINOR Sponsor:  Joskeleigh Community Association (JCA), and for use of grounds - Rockhampton All Blacks Sports Club, Fitzroy Gracemere Sharks RLFC and Fitzroy Sharks Junior RLC.


A lot of hard work, time and energy was put in behind the scenes with learnings we can take on board to improve for next year.


This year marked 160 years - as in 1863, 67 South Sea Islanders arrived in Brisbane.  These Islanders were the first of 62,000 who were either tricked, kidnapped or bribed onto ships and used as slave labour.  Remembering our cultural history.....


Our players proudly took out 4 wins over the 6 games - what an unbelievable effort.  With some close calls amongst the all.


All in all, we are very proud of the end result for 2023 with all our players wearing their jerseys with SSI pride showing that Kanaka strength.


It's been fantastic to see so many share their family pictures on social media supporting and growing cultural awareness to the wider community.


Thank you to Mackay for hosting 2023 and we look forward to welcoming them to Rockhampton in 2024.  Thank you to Mackay KPC Committee, Coaches, Managers and organisers on the day and night activities and special mention to FAOs, Ambos, and the Mackay Base Hospital for taking care of our injured players.  All are doing well


2024 we will be celebrating 30 years of recognition by the Australian Government so we plan on it being another big year.


The Rockhampton KPC Committee will be meeting with QRL in the near future as 2024 will be QRL sanctioned.


Once this has been done we will be inviting interested community members to meet to discuss 2023 and 2024 KPC events. 

Watch this space!


Finally, we acknowledge the hard work of the Committee members and thank them for all the work that was put into running 2023 event.


Proud to be South Sea

Rockhampton Kanaka Proud Cup

Jersey Presentation Night


Managers of U18/19s Girls team, Nic Leo and Tricia Brown preparing for the night.

Blair Vea Vea (U18/19s Coach) with some of his team.

Welcome to Country - Nhya Nicky Hatfield

Uncle Bill, Mal and Lency Mann

Evan and Simone Warkill with son, Nezakiah (U18/19s Boys team)

Stacey Malamoo and Wilma Warcon (ASSIMI) with Raven Warcon (standing)

Mary Mooney and Shequona

Tahni Ivey (U18/19s Girls team) with Akayla McQuire

Cadence Lee with her Grandmother, Monica Leo

Tricia and Paikea Tane

Jodi Malone and Family

Under 18/19s Girls KPC team

Under a8/19s Boys KPC team.

Open Women's KPC team

Open Men's KPC team

The 3 Cousins from Joskeleigh - Saritta Backo, Saraya Warcon and Cadence Lee

Mahava Leo with on left, Uncle Butch Leo and on right, Grandfather Karl Leo - who travelled all the way from Charter Towers for presentation night.

Uncle Karl Leo, Mahava Leo, Jaymzhi White (Open Men's team) and Uncle Butch Leo

Cadence (First time player in the KPC and played in both the U18/19s and Open Women's teams) with her Mum, Nic Leo

Trey, Levi and Taryn

Zekey Mann and Taylor Upkett (U18/19s Girls team)

Cousins - Nezakiah and Rosie Warkill (U18/19s Boys and Girls teams)

Monica Leo with some of her children and grandchildren. Kerri and Jasiah Dorman (Open Men's team), Tracy Leo-Warcon (Manager of Open Women's team), Cadence Lee (U18/19s Girls team), Jason Titmus (Open Men's team), Nicole Leo (U18/19s Girls Manager) and Joanne Warkill (ASSIUC and KPC Committee member)

Carley Dougan and Jarusta Mann (Open Men's team)


KPC ... KANAKA PROUD CUP is more than just a football game. We come together each year to show strength and unity to show our communities we're still here and we're strong, contributing and serving our communities as always, showing up for our families just like our forefathers and foremothers before us.

We all go through low times and an event like KPC reminds us that we're not alone. We your Australian South Sea Islander Community and Family have your back.

I just want to remind our young ones KPC is just one weekend out of the whole year. Culture is everyday, every hour, every minute. Go learn about your Rich Cultural Heritage ... Tell your friends about who we are, let them know we may have been born from slaves but we're still here and thriving.


Our Ancestors never ever gave up, despite being in such powerless predicaments 160 years ago. They were sold off to work to their bones to what is now Australian Multi Billion Industries, the Sugar and Cotton industries.

But what didn't kill them made them strong, bold and determined for a better future and ultimately return home at a cost which many didn't have. Then again if they were lucky to be returned to the right island.

At left is a photo of my little cousin Mahava Aru Leo. He stands with his Grandad Karl Leo and our Uncle Butch Leo.


He carries the name of our Great Great and his Great Grandfather from Pentecost Is. Paramount Chief, Mahava Aru. So it was exceptional moment to watch him run out with his team mates, representing the blood sweat and tears of our Grandfather. He was taken from Leone Beach not far from the village.

So next year before you sign up for KPC. Go find out your family history whose name do you carry or whose bloodline you represent? So many last names called out during the games, gave me goosebumps, as I sat there watching and wondering, which island did they come from. Where did they settle? Have they ever gone back to their island of origin? What did you find there if you have? Who did you meet and what did you learn? This is what KPC stirs inside my heart and mind when I see us Altogether.


There's not many books out there about Australian South Sea Islanders written by Australian South Sea Islanders. In fact there's not much research conducted by Australian South Sea Islanders for Australian South Sea Islanders. Alot of what we know is oral history. We need to ensure as a community to start recording our own family history before others take the opportunity from us.

Whose rich history do you represent when you sign up for KPC?

We All Stand On The Shoulders of Giants. Every Single One of Us

Kanaka Proud ... Kanaka Strong 


Danessa Willie-White

ASSIUC & KPC Committee Member

All Rockhampton Kanaka Proud Cup Teams

Proudly supported by their fellow players, families & friends



Rocky KPC Channel

Rocky KPC Channel

Watch Now

Appreciation to everyone that has shared photos on our Kanaka Proud Cup Rockhampton facebook page of Game Day including players, supporters and families. 






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All Orders and Enquiries

 Email -






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Our purple KPC dress shirt also pays tribute to one of our dear family members, former KPC Sub-Committee member and ASSIUC member, Sonia Maloney.  A dedicated and hardworking member of our organisation, and in particular, the Kanaka Proud Cup Sub-Committee.  



SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 2023


It was a great day with friendly games of touch footy and BBQ. Thank you to all who helped set up and assisted throughout the day, much appreciated. Interaction with players from all teams with coaches, managers and families builds confidence and support for one another. Also a day catching up with family or getting to know your family link.


KPC Sub-Committee thank you all and special mention to the Denduck family who travelled from Hervey Bay.

Thank you players and to all who came along and supported Rocky KPC. We plan to have another get-together in the near future.



Photos Courtesy of Dallas Fewqandie & Tracy Leo-Warcon

Videos provided by Dallas Fewquandie & Tracy Leo Warcon

Congratulations to the appointed Coaches and Support Team for Rockhampton 2023 Kanaka Proud Cup Football Teams


Open Mens Team


Coach:  David Doyle

Assistant Coach:  Sid Domic

Manager:  Adrian Warcon


Open Womens Team


Coaches:  Cedric Auda 


Manager:  Tracy Leo-Warcon


Under 18 Boys Team


Coach:  Blair Vea Vea

Assistant Coach:  Evan Warkill

Manager:  Evan Warkill



Under 18 Girls Team


Coach:  Blair Vea Vea

Assistant Coach:  Evan Warkill

Managers:  Nicole Leo

                    Tricia Brown



Under 13/14 Boys Team


Coach:  Cedric Auda

Assistant Coach:  Kimberley Lawton

Manager:  Kimberley Lawton


Under 14/15 Girls Team


Coach:  Cedric Auda

Assistant Coach:  Kimberley Lawton

Manager:  Kimberley Lawton



25 MARCH 2023

Photos Courtesy of ASSIUC IR&D Inc



Thank you for your Donation.  


We appreciate your contribution.  Tanku tumas.


Please deposit your donation to the following bank account and put your surname as the reference.


Name of Bank:  Bank of Queensland


Account Name:  ASSIUC Inc. Donations Account


BSB:  124-051


Account Number:  23112047

White Sand and Stone

Quick Links

The Australian South Sea Islander United Council Independent Rockhampton & District Inc. acknowledge the Darambul people on which land our organisation operates.  We acknowledge our Elders, past, present and emerging of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations.  


We also acknowledge our Australian South Sea Islander Elders both past, present and future.

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Australian South Sea Islander United Council Independent Rockhampton & District Inc.



Subscribe to our ASSIUC IR&D Inc. Newsletter by clicking on the link below.



ASSIUC IR&D inc. would like to advise all Australian South Sea Islanders, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders that all content on our website may contain images and sounds of deceased persons. ASSIUC IR&D Inc. tries to ensure cultural protocols are followed and respected.


Phone: 0473 594 154

ABN: 99 190 427 419

Registered Charity: 1A 12184

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