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Gala Ball Events

Hosted by ASSIUC IR&D Inc.

The COMING-OF-AGE 2021 ASSI GALA BALL was one of the major celebrations for our 21 Years of State Government recognition.


Thank you to Rockhampton Regional Council for your Sponsorship as it meant a lot to the Events and Fundraising Committee to bring a memorable event to and  for our ASSI people.


Publicity Officer:  Sharon Vea Vea

Photos courtesy of ASSIUC IR&D Inc. and Karissa Pinkerton

ASSIUC GALA BALL 'RARE' (Respect and Recognise Elders) commemorating 25 Years of Federal Government Recognition in August 2019.

Photos courtesy of ASSIUC IR&D Inc. and (the late) Gavin Vea Vea

White Sand and Stone

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The Australian South Sea Islander United Council Independent Rockhampton & District Inc. acknowledge the Darambul people on which land our organisation operates.  We acknowledge our Elders, past, present and emerging of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations.  


We also acknowledge our Australian South Sea Islander Elders both past, present and future.

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Australian South Sea Islander United Council Independent Rockhampton & District Inc.



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ASSIUC IR&D inc. would like to advise all Australian South Sea Islanders, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders that all content on our website may contain images and sounds of deceased persons. ASSIUC IR&D Inc. tries to ensure cultural protocols are followed and respected.


Phone: 0473 594 154

ABN: 99 190 427 419

Registered Charity: 1A 12184

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